Rather than the common misconception people have, a wellness examination is actually a regular medical examination of a healthy dog, not a sick dog. A wellness examination is also known as a “check-up” or a “physical examination”. The main purpose of a wellness examination is to keep your pet healthy. It’s can be done in a pet exams and wellness care in Boynton Beach FL.
How frequently should your dog have a wellness exam?
The answer is determined by your dog’s age and present medical status. Early puppyhood wellness exams is best done every month, whilst yearly wellness examinations are the standard for the normal adult dog, and semi-annual examinations are advised for middle-aged, senior, and elderly dogs.
Pets age more quickly than humans. One common misunderstanding is that one calendar year is equal to 7 years in the life of a dog. It is also believed that in one calendar year of a human being’s life a dog age can be between a ranges of 4-15 years… The possible explanation for this huge disparity is that puppies mature faster and are normally adolescents or young adults by one year of age; thus, when they’re clocking 1year, they are presumed to be the same as a 15-year-old. The speed of their ageing process slows slightly during the second year, such that the average dog is seen as a 24-25 year when they’re actually just clocking 2 years. In summary, the aging rate is considered to be 4-5 dog years per calendar year, based on size and breed.
Your veterinarian is the best person to advise you on how frequently your dog should get a wellness examination depending on his breed, wellbeing, and lifestyle.
What will your veterinarian look for during a wellness exam?
Your veterinarian will want information concerning things like your dog’s eating habits, exercise, breathing, behavior patterns, practices, lifestyle, and overall wellbeing during a regular wellness examination. Your dog will also be examined physically by your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will then offer suggestions for precise preventive medicine treatments depending on your dog’s history and physical exam, like parasite control (which include preventive treatments for insect vectors), nutritious food, bone health, or dental treatment. You’ll also be informed if pet Laser Surgery in Boynton Beach FL is necessary.
What does your veterinarian look for during a physical exam?
A physical examination consists of observing your dog’s overall look, listening carefully to their chest with a stethoscope, and checking certain parts of the body.
There are times you may be unaware that your veterinarian is performing some kind of regular physical examination, especially if no abnormalities are detected.
Your veterinarian would also need a fresh sample of your dog’s poop before the examination.